Peter Brown is a lifelong resident of Columbia and a leader in the business community. He grew up here, as the youngest of 8 siblings. After graduating from Cardinal Newman, he attended the University of Notre Dame where he received his BS in Electrical Engineering.
As the President of Colite, a local and family-owned business, he has led industry-wide innovations and developed international relationships. His clients operate in industries around the world and include major names like GE, Dell Technologies, and Hilton Hotels. His business success has earned national acclaim, including being named World Trader of the Year and receiving the Export Achievement Award from the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Peter is a dedicated husband to his wife, Pam, and a proud father to four daughters. His family has long been his motivation for improving Columbia. He aspires for Columbia to be a city where kids put down roots and stay.
Peter has also spent a large portion of his career focused on public service and the improvement of South Carolina. Under Governor Mark Sanford, Peter served as the Chairman of the Jobs and Economic Development Authority and a member of the Coordinating Council with the South Carolina Department of Commerce, which led efforts to recruit business to the state under Secretary Joe Taylor. He has also served on numerous boards, including the City of Columbia’s Financial Task Force and CFO Search Committee, Providence Hospital, the Cultural Council of Richland and Lexington Counties, and the EdVenture Children’s Museum. He is currently on the Board for the University of Georgia Terry School of Business Entrepreneur Program and MUSC Children’s Hospital Advisory Board.