Public Safety
Peter plans to apply his expertise to help in the efforts to recruit and retain police officers. Addressing the staff shortage in the police department will be a top priority so that our neighborhoods and business districts feel safer.

Tax Reform and Economic
Peter’s extensive business experience and his global connections will allow him to continue the work of Councilman Joe Taylor in making Columbia a top destination to work and live. By reforming our tax structure to make our city competitive again, Peter believes we can attract large investments in our community. He knows firsthand as a business leader how Columbia can hold itself back and will further the business friendly initiatives that have been successful so far.

Run Columbia
Like a Business
Peter believes our city should provide top tier customer service to our citizens. This means Columbia needs to modernize our systems, invest in technology improvements and upgrades, and streamline our departments to improve efficiency. By eliminating waste and redundancies, Columbia can operate like a business and be a leader in the state in responsiveness and delivery of services.

Quality of Life
Peter believes Columbia can be one of the greatest places to live, work, and play in the whole country. He will work to make Columbia a place where future generations want to stay forever. Too often, our young talent leaves to go find opportunities that only exist outside our city and Peter believes we can attract those opportunities here.